Thursday 9 June 2011

To have IVs or not to have IVs, that is the question!

Normally i'd put off IVs as long as possible, not only because i hate waking up at 6am every morning, or because my already non-existent social life grinds to a complete halt, but also to try and save them for when they're absolutely necessary.
Being post transplant, i only have a couple of bugs in my lungs (even if they are pain in the ass ones), and orals generally do the trick. But, in just over 4 weeks time, i'm jumping out an aeroplane to try and raise money for Nottingham's new Adult CF unit.
So... I've been feeling like crap for a month now, had a course of orals which did little, and still coughing up shit. So, why is it, the day i need to go to clinic and hash the idea out with my consultant, i actually feel the best i've felt in weeks?! Ok, i'm still coughing up crap, and i'm puffing and panting, but what to do....?!! Arrrrrgh!

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